Saturday, 13 June 2009


here you will be able to find lots of pics of REAL GIRLS. none of this airbrushed, fake crap. 

real, skinny girls, who are all much, much better than you.



1 comment:

  1. All these photos are damn ugly.
    You say, that these girls are the real girls?
    I can only laugh about that.

    Okay, I agree, being fat is not pretty. But being skinny is a lot more disgusting. Why can't be normal, a natural beauty, a healthy person?

    I will laugh about all you idiots when they will bury you. No one will remember you as the beautiful, feminine, skinny girl you never were. They will remember you as a bony, unwomanly monster that puked the shit out of itself to be 'pretty'. You are not strong when you become skinny.

    You are weak and emberassing hookers. You think you are better than anyone, but you're not. Everyone can stop eating and decide to puke and get ill and mentally disturbed, but you are strong if you can accept yourself the way you are, with all your beautiful curves and you favourite dishes.

    And when you're lying there, down in your grave, nobody will admire you. They will laugh about you stupidity, your weakness.
